Nicole M. Kindig 

22q Mom On A Mission

What is 22q?


22q deletion syndrome is the missing 22nd chromosome. It is a very common syndrome that not a lot of people know about. This syndrome is also known as velo-cardio-facial syndrome, DiGeorge Syndrome, and Down Syndrome. 22q can be the cause of nearly 200 mild to serious health and developmental issues. Because each person is diagnosed with 22q presents a unique set of 180+ symptoms. This syndrome is a genetic defect caused by a micordeletion. 

Symptoms of 22q deletion syndrome are heart defects, speech impediment and learning disability, feeding difficulties, immune system disorders, kidney disorders, cleft palate, developmental delays, growth problems, behavior issues, austim, & so much more.


Feeling better


Im finally starting to feel better. Its been since Monday since I been sick. I’m so resdy to get out of the house and be with my friends and st work. I am ready to do things and just be me again. I love all my friends who have checked up on me and being there for us. making sure we have everything that we need to make us feel better. ...

Influenza A


My son symptoms started Tuesday night with a sore throat, coughing and chills. We was up on and off most of the night on Tuesday. He had a few breathing treatments that night as well because of his coughing. My son also has asthma as well. Today took him to quick care as well and he was also...

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